
C1 is transforming the industry by creating connected experiences that make a lasting impact on customers, our teams and our communities. More than 10,000 customers use C1 every day to help them build meaningful connections through innovative and secure experiences.
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Amazon WorkSpaces: Supporting a More Secure Remote Workforce

Posted on October 13, 2020 by C1

In today’s pandemic times, we are finding more and more customers and end users are working remotely from home. This requires users to access a number of devices, including laptops and tablets, while at home. Is this secure? Absolutely not.

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The Future of K-12 Education

Posted on September 8, 2020 by C1

Parents and communities place the highest degree of trust in local educational agency (LEA) schools to not only educate their children, but also to keep their children safe. LEA instructional and technology leaders are innovative and tireless in managing this enormous responsibility—and at ConvergeOne, so are we. Inspired by the mission of educators, we develop solutions for academic equity, student access, ransomware readiness, and other matters of concern to school leaders, including:

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How to Meet the Demands of the Remote Workplace

Posted on August 24, 2020 by C1

It’s an irrefutable truth: COVID-19 has quickly changed the modern workplace. At the onset of the pandemic, many businesses rushed to put temporary solutions in place to protect their employees and keep up their operations. Because these solutions were only meant to be short-term, they are now starting to show their weaknesses and concerns around their reliability and security are beginning to arise. The result: Obstacles are looming everywhere for CIOs.

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Building the Next-Generation Contact Center

Posted on August 6, 2020 by C1

ConvergeOne’s customer had what was once considered a best-of-breed contact center solution, but faced challenges leveraging its legacy solution to satisfy the rapidly evolving needs of its business. Over the past decade, the company’s leadership team recognized that although its investments in self-service had paid off well, they’d also created a challenge. The basic transactional calls that once dominated call queues—address changes, balance inquiries, new-service activation—had all but disappeared. The queue was dominated by the complex and varied issues that customers couldn’t solve on their own.

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CISO’s 6 Steps to Securing an Excellent CX [Part 2]

Posted on July 7, 2020 by C1

In the last blog post in this series, we explored the first three steps to delivering an excellent and secure customer experience: starting with a CISO, involving senior leadership, and adopting a risk-based approach. In this blog post, we’ll pick up where we left off and explore the final three steps.

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CISO’s 6 Steps to Securing an Excellent CX [Part 1]

Posted on April 23, 2020 by C1

How can you effectively safeguard the information your customers entrust in your company, as well as protect proprietary material and data? Begin your journey to a more secure customer experience by following these six steps.

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Are You Ensuring the Safety of Your Customers’ Data?

Posted on March 10, 2020 by C1

Raise your hand if you’re guilty of sending secure information using your cellular device. Don’t worry—we all do it, despite the inherent risk involved in transmitting sensitive information across cellular and data-driven networks. However, this could leave not only your organization, but also your customers’ personal information, at risk. Customers want to feel safe interacting with your business. A critical component of an excellent customer experience involves ensuring the safety of your customers’ data.

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How to Solve Cash Flow Issues with Public Cloud

Posted on February 18, 2020 by C1

A business process outsourcing (BPO) provider with 5,000 global agents was primarily focused on customer experience and contact center outsourcing for large companies. Like many in its industry, the BPO ran on very tight margins and wanted to move away from spending capital money. It preferred operational expenses because it billed its customers on a monthly usage basis (i.e., how many phone calls it took), so it desired to match its cost structure with its revenue structure. Having to pay money upfront with the hope that the customers would use the system would not benefit the BPO; instead, it desired for its underlying technology and business costs to be paid when its clients made payments. For this reason, an “As-a-Service” model best suited the BPO from a financial and technology perspective.

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Meeting the Demands on Enterprise Networks

Posted on February 11, 2020 by C1

The demands on enterprise networks have never been greater. More and more applications are moving to the cloud, connected endpoints are increasing exponentially, and distributed workforces are demanding secure access and optimal performance wherever they go.

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How to Lead Your Industry in the Era of Rapid Change

Posted on January 28, 2020 by C1

It’s no secret that CEOs desire to lead their industry with the help of digital transformation. According to Gartner’s 2018 CEO Survey, 78% of CEOs believe that their companies are either industry pioneers or fast followers. In order to maintain the pioneer title, CEOs are looking to their CIOs and IT departments to continually drive transformation efforts that bring immediate value to the business.

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