C1 Blog

Navigating the Complexities of Cyber Security Risk Management

Written by Phil Vickman, Solutions Marketing Manager | Jun 6, 2023 2:00:00 PM

Challenges Impacting Risk

Risk management is the collective responsibility of many roles and teams within an organization. It requires a systematic approach that bridges business units, leadership, technology and process – in effect, all areas of any company. There are many challenges that organizations face in managing risk. According to Arctic Wolf Labs, 30% of companies reported that risk management is their top concern driving their cyber security strategy.

  • Complex and Evolving Regulatory Requirements: Compliance with regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is essential to avoiding penalties and maintaining customer trust. Staying updated on these regulations and implementing appropriate security measures can be daunting, especially for organizations with limited resources.

  • Security Skills Shortage: The shortage of skilled cyber security professionals is another pressing issue. As technology advances and cyber threats become more sophisticated, organizations struggle to find and retain qualified experts. The demand for cyber security professionals far outweighs the supply, making it challenging for organizations to build robust security teams. This skills gap creates vulnerabilities and hampers organizations' ability to respond effectively to cyber threats.

  • Lack of Alignment between Security Strategy and Growth Objectives: Organizations must align their security strategies with their overall business objectives to effectively manage cyber security risks. However, many companies fail to bridge this gap, resulting in ineffective security measures and wasted resources. When security is viewed as a hindrance to growth rather than an enabler, organizations are at a higher risk of experiencing cyber incidents. Building a cohesive cyber security program that supports business goals is crucial for mitigating risks effectively.

Enhancing Cyber Security Risk Management

Organizations must adopt a proactive and strategic approach to cyber security risk management to overcome these challenges. Here are a few key components of a risk management strategy to consider:

  • Assessing the Current Cyber Security Profile: Conducting thorough assessments is essential for benchmarking an organization's cyber security posture. This includes risk quantification, identifying security risks, penetration testing and simulating cyber breaches to test systems and processes. These assessments provide valuable insights into weaknesses, helping organizations develop targeted risk management plans.

  • Defining Risk and Impact: Defining risk within the organizational context is crucial for building an effective cyber security program. Understanding how risk affects the organization allows for informed decision-making and resource allocation. Each organization's risk appetite will differ, and tailoring cyber security measures accordingly ensures optimal risk management.

  • Collaboration and Systematic Approach: Effective risk management requires collaboration across various roles and teams within an organization. Bridging the gap between business units, leadership, technology and processes is essential for implementing a holistic cyber security strategy. By fostering collective responsibility for risk management, organizations can leverage diverse expertise to address vulnerabilities comprehensively.

  • Prioritizing Patch Management: Incomplete or inefficient patch management exposes organizations to unnecessary risks. According to the Ponemon Institute, 60% of breaches could have been prevented with proper patching. Establishing a robust patch management process is crucial for minimizing vulnerabilities and maximizing the effectiveness of risk management efforts.

In today's cyber security landscape, organizations face complex challenges that impact risk management. Fortunately, managed cyber security services allow organizations to address those challenges while maintaining focus on their core security objectives.

Value of Managed Services

C1 Managed Cyber Security Services offer valuable support in bridging the skills gap, combating ransomware and enhancing risk management. Embracing a comprehensive and proactive approach to cyber security risk management is the key to safeguarding valuable assets and ensuring long-term business resilience in an ever-evolving threat landscape.

  • Infrastructure Protection Managed Services (IPMSS) improves risk management by delivering proactive monitoring and management of your tech stack. This frees your staff to focus on strategic activities.

  • Managed Detection and Response (MDR) delivers ongoing threat detection, digital forensics and remediation.

  • Vulnerability Management as a Service (VMaaS) constantly scans and protects your valuable assets.

  • vCISO services delivers strategic guidance and expertise in improving risk management to align with regulatory requirements.
To learn more about how C1 managed services can improve your risk management, visit here