C1 Blog

6 Steps to Empowering Agents with Workforce Engagement Management [Part 4]

Written by Kathy Sobus, Vice President, Product Marketing | Nov 8, 2022 8:47:27 PM

Part 1. Part 2 and Part 3 of this blog series detail the first four steps to effective Workforce Engagement Management.

Step 5: Analyze All Interactions

Advanced analytics take Quality Assurance (QA), Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) and Voice of the Customer (VOC) methods a step further. Today’s marketplace provides four main types of analytics:

Desktop Analytics

This branch of analytics tracks the applications, screens and functions that agents use while interacting with customers. For example, tracking workstation activity can help identify the data that agents seek during calls, and access to these data sources can then be automated with custom Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI) solutions that are aware of the transaction being performed, and how to support it. Results are relevant both to performance improvement and compliance with standards like PCI DSS.

Back-office is another department that uses this type of analytics. Knowing where errors are made, tracking them, developing them and delivering training on them can help prevent future issues.

Speech Analytics

Clearly, contact center managers cannot manually score every contact that enters their operation, listening for key words and patterns on every call. Manual scoring simply does not scale. But combining speech-analytic algorithms with a high-performing analytical engine enables contact center leaders to do just that, capturing data from every interaction. Phonetic indexing and speech-to-text technologies, along with the ability to differentiate agent and customer voices, allows managers to automatically spot key words and patterns in recorded audio streams.

The ability to look for patterns across a large database of recorded audio interactions can be a game-changer, revealing trends that would otherwise pass unnoticed. Information gained in this way can be turned into actionable data for functional organizations across the company, enabling improvements in efficiency, revenue generation and departments far beyond the bounds of a traditional customer service organization.

Emotional Analytics

What did it mean when a customer said, “I want to speak to a supervisor”? If that statement were followed by a period (.), a question mark (?), or an exclamation point (!!!), how would that change the meaning? Being able to tell the difference can make a huge difference in how contact center managers react to the incident – but detecting emotions has not traditionally been a strength for computers. The emerging technology of emotional analytics makes it possible to flag recorded audio for emotional content by spotting keywords and analyzing variations in the caller’s pitch and tone.

Emotional analytics can reveal insights that would otherwise remain hidden, supporting an accurate big-picture view, addressing issues not only within the contact center, but even across the corporation. Correlations between what people said and how they said it can help uncover intent, satisfaction, issue resolution, buying patterns, size of sales, defection rates and ease of use.

Big Data Analytics

The most powerful WEM solutions utilize cutting-edge analytics comparable to IT-based “big-data” tools. Advanced analytics enable CC managers to uncover hidden patterns and unanticipated correlations across multiple enterprise systems, including customer relationship management (CRM) and quote-to-order systems, and even enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. The resulting insights can reveal customer needs and desires that might otherwise remain hidden. The lessons learned from this analysis can illuminate and inform contact center planning efforts and performance analysis.

The key is to make analytics actionable. Data for the sake of data has no value, so the best WEM analytics tools are built to target the contact center context, enabling managers to generate actionable observations based on industry best practices. In many organizations, these learnings have helped change products and processes to increase customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

Check back soon for the final part of this blog series for more tips. Can’t wait? Download the full white paper below.